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IE8 - IE10 cross domain JSONP cookie headache

Due to decisions that are completely outside of my control, I am in the following situation:

  • I have a product listing on

  • Clicking the "Add to Cart" button on a product makes an AJAX JSONP request to[productKey], which saves the cart record to the database, sets a cookie with the cart ID, and returns a true response (or false if it failed)

  • Back on, if the response is true, another AJAX JSONP request is made to, which reads the cart ID cookie, fetches the record, and returns the number of items in the cart

  • Back on once again, the response is read and an element on the page is updated showing the number of items in the cart (if any)

  • At this point, clicking the "Go to Cart" button on displays the cart summary on

This works beautifully in Firefox 17, Chrome 32 and IE 11. It also works in IE8 - IE10 on our development and test environments, where is and and is and respectively.

However, after we deployed to production, this stopped working in IE8 - IE10. After adding a product to the cart, the number of items in the cart is updated successfully on Then, after clicking the "Go to Cart" button on, the cart summary on shows nothing because it can't read the cookie. Going to Cache > "View cookie information" in IE develeoper tools shows no cart ID cookie. It should be there, just like it is there in other browsers and in our development and test environments.

I believe what's happening is IE is blocking third party cookies. We have added a P3P compact policy header to all requests on, but the cookie is still not being set. The header we are setting is:


Why doesn't adding the compact policy header fix this in IE8 - IE10? How can I fix this to work in all versions of IE?


There are several good ideas posted below. I accepted @sdecima's because it sounded the most promising. We ended up combining some of these ideas but managed to avoid XDomainRequest:

  • Clicking the "Add to Cart" button on a product makes an AJAX JSONP request to[productKey], which saves the cart record to the database, sets a cookie with the cart ID, and returns a true response (or false if it failed)

We changed the action at to return a JSON object with a boolean indicating success or failure and the cart ID.

  • Back on, if the response is true, another AJAX JSONP request is made to, which reads the cart ID cookie, fetches the record, and returns the number of items in the cart

We changed the callback function to check for both properties in the response object. If success is true and the cart ID is present, we create a hidden iframe on the page. The src attribute of the iframe is set to a new endpoint we added to This action accepts a cart ID parameter and saves the cart ID cookie. We no longer need to save the cookie in the action.

Next, we changed the action at to accept a cart ID parameter. This action will use the cart ID parameter if present to fetch the cart information, otherwise it will still attempt to read the cookie. This extra check would be unnecessary if we could guarantee that the iframe had finished loading and the cookie had been saved on, but we have no way of knowing when the iframe has finished loading on due to browser security restrictions.

Finally, the P3P header CP="CAO PSA OUR" is still required for this to work in IE7 - IE10. (Yes, this works in IE7 now too :)

We now have a solution (albeit an incredibly complex one) for saving and accessing cross domain cookies that works in all major browser, at least as far back as we can reliably test.

We will probably refactor this some more. For one thing, the second AJAX JSONP request to is redundant at this point since we can return all the information we need in the original request to action (a side benefit of changing that action to return a JSON object - plus we can return an error message indicating exactly why it failed if there was an error).


  • In short

    Cookies will NOT go through a cross-origin request on IE 8 and 9. It should work on IE 10 and 11 though.

    IE 8 and 9

    On IE8/9 XMLHttpRequest partially supports CORS, and cross-origin requests are made with the help of the XDomainRequest object which does NOT send cookies with each request.

    You can read more about this on the following official MSDN Blog post:

    Particularly this part:

    5 . No authentication or cookies will be sent with the request

    In order to prevent misuse of the user’s ambient authority (e.g. cookies, HTTP credentials, client certificates, etc), the request will be stripped of cookies and credentials and will ignore any authentication challenges or Set-Cookie directives in the HTTP response. XDomainRequests will not be sent on previously-authenticated connections, because some Windows authentication protocols (e.g. NTLM/Kerberos) are per-connection-based rather than per-request-based.

    IE 10+

    Starting with IE10, full CORS support was added to XMLHTTPRequest and it should work fine with a correct Access-Control-Allow-Origin header property on the response from the server (that wishes to set the cookie on the browser).

    More about this here:
    And here:

    Workarounds on IE 8 and 9

    The only way to go around this on IE8/9 is, quoting the same MSDN post as above:

    Sites that wish to perform authentication of the user for cross-origin requests can use explicit methods (e.g. tokens in the POST body or URL) to pass this authentication information without risking the user’s ambient authority.