I don't usually post in forums because normally I can find any answer I need using Google. However every search that I am running is giving me very specific results, such as buffer overflow vulnerabilities that already exist for a specific game or system which is not what I need.
I have a home network including Windows Server 2008 R2 and my son wants to start a Minecraft server which of course I want to give him full access to so he can learn. However, I know that every game is "moddable" and he uses custom maps and the like in a lot of his games.
My concern is that I am going to create security risks on my network based on inexperienced programming. Will giving him the ability to install and create mods on my server potentially open up vulnerabilities (outside of the open Minecraft ports) due to the possible inexperience of people actually writing the mods? Or do mods just simply not work that way and I can't find an answer to my question because it's retarded and no one actually programs a mod lol?
Depends on the way the mod system works for the game, and whether the game itself is sandboxed. Importantly, no software is perfectly secure. You have to decide what level of security and reliability you are happy with.
There are several ways a mod could expose a vulnerability:
If the mod system is script or VM based, such as Lua, JavaScript or Java, I would feel relatively safe installing mods (so long as the game has a well implemented API/sandbox), because exploits 2-4 are relatively unlikely.
(My understanding of native code mods/plugins is limited, but I'm pretty sure you MUST trust a native mod if you want to run it. Even if you do, it might still be exploitable. )
My understanding of minecraft mods is that they are written in java. My feeling about the Mojang guys is that they know what they're doing, so I'd be surprised if their mod API isn't exceptionally well designed and implemented. Having said that, installing mods necessarily introduces a security risk.
If this risk is unacceptable, you can reduce it by introducing depth to the system. Why not, say, run your minecraft server in a virtual machine, with limited access to the network (only required ports, for example)? That way the impact of vulnerabilities is reduced greatly.
I'd recommend creating a Ubuntu VM on VirtualBox (because they're both free as in beer), but you could install it on whatever OS you're comfortable with.