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Transferring syntax to SAS EG and integrating prompts

I've used this forum to gather information on creating and using prompts in SAS EG tasks and queries. However, I can't seem to transfer my own syntax from Base SAS, incorporate/reference prompts/macros I've created, and get it to work.

Currently, everytime I reference a prompt in my own program (rather than one generated by point-click selections in SAS EG) the log tells me SAS can't resolve the macro reference.

How can I transfer my own program into SAS EG and then integrate the prompts?

Example code I used to develop test data set:

data work.testscores;
    input Gender $ 1-6 SATScore 8-11 IDNumber 13-20;
Male   1170 61469897
Female 1090 33081197
Male   1240 68137597
Female 1490  9589297
Male   1200 93891897
Female 1080 26212897
Male   1050  8945097
Female 1200 51799397
Male   1600 39196697

/created Genders prompt in the prompt manager using gender variable/

    CREATE table WORK.testscores2 as
        SELECT &Genders, SATScore


102        PROC SQL;
104           SELECT &Genders
WARNING: Apparent symbolic reference GENDERS not resolved.
104           SELECT &Genders
ERROR 22-322: Syntax error, expecting one of the following: a name, a quoted string, 
              a numeric constant, a datetime constant, a missing value, BTRIM, INPUT, PUT, 
              SUBSTRING, USER.  

105              FROM WORK.TESTSCORES;
NOTE: PROC SQL set option NOEXEC and will continue to check the syntax of statements.
106        QUIT;
NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors.
NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           0.00 seconds
      cpu time            0.00 seconds



  • Judging by the comments of the topic starter, it looks like there is some misunderstanding how prompts in EG work. It's not a tool for assigning value to some macrovariable BEFORE running your program. 'Prompt' implies that the program prompts you to enter the value DURING the program running. But for that, you have to assign your prompt to coressponding program, so that when you run this particular program SAS would envoke this particular prompt. For that: right click on the task -> Properties -> Prompts -> Add.