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IBM Worklight 6.1 - Content of HTML file not displayed

I have recently downloaded the IBM Worklight Developer edition from the Eclipse Marketplace.

In order to deploy the app when I right-click on the HTML file and choose Run As > Run On Server. It then asks me to select Localhost which is running on my machine. When the index.html file is displayed in the window, a blank page comes and the contents of the body of my HTML file are not visible.

I am unable to build and deploy and run any project in IBM Worklight.


  • It is not working for you, because you are doing it wrong...
    Read the IBM Worklight Getting Started training materials before jumping headlong into Worklight...

    After creating a new Worklight project and application, you need to:

    1. Right-click the Worklight application
    2. And choose Run As > Run on Worklight Development Server
    3. Then you right-click on the Worklight project
    4. And choose Open Worklight Console

    Now you can preview your application. Read the training materials.

    enter image description here