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What are the downsides to using the official Windows Git binaries from cygwin?

Cygwin's latest git, svn and git-svn combination is stuck at old versions that have numerous git-svn bugs. I'm considering just downloading the official windows version (warning: this will start the a download: ), putting that in my path, and calling those binaries from Cygwin. What are the downsides to this?


  • Non-Cygwin Windows binaries won't be able to see Cygwin-style file paths. For example, your home directory might be /home/yourname as seen from Cygwin, but C:\cygwin\home\yourname as seen from Windows. Interactions between a Windows installation of git and the Unix-like Cygwin toolkit are likely to be very tricky.

    Line endings may also be an issue.

    An alternative is to build git from source.