In my Rails app, I was having issues with rendering a link_to because, for some reason, a new line is added through my link_to. For example, when I try to create the link with:
<% byline = render :partial => "projects/author_byline", :locals => {:project => image.project, :source=>"home"} %>
<script type="text/javascript">
console.log('byline : <%= byline %>');
I would get this in the console:
console.log('byline : <a href="/users/scientiffic" class="author_link">scientiffic</a>
Which would lead to this error:
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL
I tried using the method "squish" to get rid of the newline:
<% byline = render :partial => "projects/author_byline", :locals => {:project => image.project, :source=>"home"} %>
$('.carousel-inner.featureSlides').append('<%=link_to image.project.title, project_path(image.project) %> by <%= byline.squish %>')
But when I try to incorporate the "squished" variable on my page, it doesn't get rendered as link:
How can I render the code correctly as a link while removing the new line?
Here is my partial author_byline:
<% num_users = project.users.count %>
<% project.users.order("username ASC").each_with_index do |user, index| %>
<% if num_users > 2 && index == num_users-1 %> , and <% end %><%= link_to user.username, user_path(user), :class=> "author_link" %><% if num_users == 2 && index == 0 %> & <% elsif num_users > 2 && index != num_users-2 && index != num_users-1 %> , <% end %>
<% end %>
I ended up using sanitize to remove new lines:
<% byline = render :partial => "projects/author_byline", :locals => {:project => image.project, :source=>"home"} %>
$('.carousel-inner.featureSlides').append(' <%= sanitize(byline.gsub(/(?:\n\r?|\r\n?)/, "")) %>');