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Different layout display on website over multiple loads

I am having an extremely odd issue creating a template for my zencart ecommerce website.

I find that many times I load the website my menu will break up and split over two lines as shown below.

enter image description here

The reason I find this behavior odd is that if I refresh the page it correctly displays.

enter image description here

Now I could understand how to fix this if it was consistently one way or the other but it seems to vary between the two with no obvious difference in the code... I am not sure if this is some sort of technical bug with chrome as I haven't been able to replicate it in other browsers however even if it is I really need a way of working around it. So I am curious as to whether anyone has had this issue before and if so how they got around it.

Link to live site:

Thanks Jason


  • If you add


    To the div that contains the list it should prevent this, not sure why it's happening though.

    Edit: here is a jsfiddle showing the technique

    Edit: No floats