I am using a Python dictionary (product_dict) to represent a hierarchy of a product and all its subparts. The dict's keys are unique IDs (UUID), and the values are Class objects containing all information about those parts, including:
part.name # A string, containing the actual name of a component
part.idCode # UUID of component
part.parent # UUID of parent component
part.children # List of UUIDs of child components
part.tier # An integer that specifies its tier/level within the hierarchy
Now for the purpose of outputting the data in an orderly fashion, I wish to sort the parts both hierarchically and alphabetically. For hierarchical sorting using a tree structure, I have found the answer to this question to work great for printing: Sorting data hierarchically. For this example to work with my data structure, I have made some slight modifications:
class Node:
def __init__(self, article):
self.article = article
self.children = []
self.parent = None
self.name = None
def printer(self, level=0):
print ('{}{}'.format('\t' * level, self.name))
for child in self.children:
child.printer(level + 1)
class Tree:
def __init__(self):
self.nodes = {}
def push(self, article, parent, name):
if parent not in self.nodes:
self.nodes[parent] = Node(parent)
if article not in self.nodes:
self.nodes[article] = Node(article)
if parent == article:
self.nodes[article].name = name
self.nodes[article].parent = self.nodes[parent]
def roots(self):
return (x for x in self.nodes.values() if not x.parent)
t = Tree()
for idCode, part in product_dict.iteritems():
t.push(idCode, part.parent, part.name)
for node in t.roots:
Considering an example of my product being an aircraft, the output now looks as follows (the actual order varies):
Subsystem 2
Subsystem 1
Subsubsystem 1.1
Section 2
Section 1
Section 4
Section 3
However, due to my limited understanding of Python at this stage, I am struggling to add alphabetical sorting to this routine (based on the part.name strings). I understand how the tree is built up, but I don't grasp the printing routine, and therefore fail to judge where to add a alphabetic sorting routine.
With the given example, my desired output should be:
Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Section 4
Subsystem 1
Subsubsystem 1.1
Subsystem 2
Any help is greatly appreciated. I do not adhere to the hierarchical sorting method given above, so I am open to entirely different approaches.
It seems like the only thing you need to do is sort the children by name, when printing, i.e.
for child in sorted(self.children, key = lambda x: x.name):
child.printer(level + 1)