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How to setup and run SymmetricDS reverse initial load (from store to corp)

I want build next structure: one parent (registration) node, several client nodes behind NAT. Client nodes push changes to parent.

I take SymmetricDS example with corp and store, configure it and all work fine. Then I try put initial data to store instead corp:

-- Sample Data
insert into "item" ("item_id", "name") values (11000001, 'Yummy Gum');
insert into "item_selling_price" ("item_id", "store_id", "price", "cost") values (11000001, '001',0.20, 0.10);
insert into "item_selling_price" ("item_id", "store_id", "price", "cost") values (11000001, '002',0.30, 0.20);

insert into "sale_transaction" ("tran_id", "store_id", "workstation", "day", "seq") 
values (900, '001', '3', '2012-12-01', 90);
insert into "sale_return_line_item" ("tran_id", "item_id", "price", "quantity", "returned_quantity")
values (900, 11000001, 0.20, 1, 0);

synchronisation work fine, but initial load except.

I trying next reloads:

On corp reload 001:

$ ../bin/symadmin --engine corp-000 reload-node 001

Log output will be written to ../logs/symmetric.log
[] - AbstractCommandLauncher - Option: name=engine, value={corp-000}
[corp-000] - PostgreSqlSymmetricDialect - The DbDialect being used is org.jumpmind.symmetric.db.postgresql.PostgreSqlSymmetricDialect
[corp-000] - ExtensionPointManager - Found 6 extension points that will be registered
Successfully enabled initial load for node 001

[corp-000] - PurgeService - Purged all 0 incoming batch for node 001
[corp-000] - RouterService - Inserted reload events for node 001 in 223 ms
[corp-000] - RouterService - Routed 2 data events in 179 ms

[store-001] - PullService - Pull data received from corp:000:000.  1 rows and 1 batches were processed
[store-001] - PullService - Immediate pull requested while in reload mode
[store-001] - RouterService - Routed 1 data events in 337 ms
[store-001] - ConfigurationChangedFilter - About to syncTriggers because new configuration came through the data loader
[store-001] - TriggerRouterService - Synchronizing triggers
[store-001] - TriggerRouterService - Could not find any database tables matching 'sale_tender_line_item' in the datasource that is configured
[store-001] - TriggerRouterService - Done synchronizing triggers
[store-001] - PullService - Pull data received from corp:000:000.  2 rows and 2 batches were processed
[store-001] - PullService - Immediate pull requested while in reload mode
[store-001] - PullService - Pull data received from corp:000:000.  2 rows and 3 batches were processed
[store-001] - PullService - Immediate pull requested while in reload mode
[store-001] - PullService - Pull data received from corp:000:000.  2 rows and 4 batches were processed
[store-001] - PullService - Immediate pull requested while in reload mode
[store-001] - PullService - Pull data received from corp:000:000.  3 rows and 5 batches were processed
[store-001] - RouterService - Routed 1 data events in 509 ms

On corp reload 000:

$ ../bin/symadmin --engine corp-000 reload-node 000

Log output will be written to ../logs/symmetric.log
[] - AbstractCommandLauncher - Option: name=engine, value={corp-000}
[corp-000] - PostgreSqlSymmetricDialect - The DbDialect being used is org.jumpmind.symmetric.db.postgresql.PostgreSqlSymmetricDialect
[corp-000] - ExtensionPointManager - Found 6 extension points that will be registered
Successfully enabled initial load for node 000

[corp-000] - RouterService - Routed 1 data events in 137 ms

[store-001] - PullService - Pull data received from corp:000:000.  1 rows and 1 batches were processed
[store-001] - RouterService - Routed 1 data events in 558 ms

On store reload 001:

$ ../bin/symadmin --engine store-001 reload-node 001

Log output will be written to ../logs/symmetric.log
[] - AbstractCommandLauncher - Option: name=engine, value={store-001}
[store-001] - MySqlSymmetricDialect - The DbDialect being used is org.jumpmind.symmetric.db.mysql.MySqlSymmetricDialect
[store-001] - ExtensionPointManager - Found 6 extension points that will be registered
Successfully enabled initial load for node 001

[store-001] - RouterService - Routed 1 data events in 222 ms

On store reload 000:

$ ../bin/symadmin --engine store-001 reload-node 000

Log output will be written to ../logs/symmetric.log
[] - AbstractCommandLauncher - Option: name=engine, value={store-001}
[store-001] - MySqlSymmetricDialect - The DbDialect being used is org.jumpmind.symmetric.db.mysql.MySqlSymmetricDialect
[store-001] - ExtensionPointManager - Found 6 extension points that will be registered
Successfully enabled initial load for node 000

[store-001] - RouterService - Routed 1 data events in 338 ms

I found this documentation and add auto.reload.reverse=true to store property file, but initial load still not work.

I try put to sym_parameter auto.reload:

INSERT INTO sym_parameter (external_id,node_group_id,param_key,param_value)
VALUES ('000','corp','auto.reload','true');

and auto.reload.reverse:

INSERT INTO sym_parameter (external_id,node_group_id,param_key,param_value)
VALUES ('ALL','store','auto.reload.reverse','true');

but it not helps.

How I can resolve my issue?


  • When I put auto.reload.reverse=true to reverse reload will start work on registration. But with FK errors. Probably items not synchronized because have wrong direction. However for my real setup with one direction all work fine.