I used array_diff to compare to 2 strings converted into arrays by explode, it can compare 2 arrays of the same length, how I accomplish comparing arrays of different length?
Array1: The quisck browsn fosx
Array2: The quick brown fox
Array1: The quisck browsn
Array2: The quick brown fox
Doesn't Work!!(fox was not mentioned)
$str1 = "The quisck browsn";
$str2 = "The quick brown fox";
echo "Array1:<br> $str1 <br><br>Array2:<br> $str2";
$strarr = (explode(" ",$str1));
$strarr2 = (explode(" ",$str2));
$result = array_diff($strarr,$strarr2);
if (count($result) > 0){
echo "<br>Differences: | " ;
foreach ($result AS $result){
echo $result." | ";
Try this
$str1 = "The quisck browsn";
$str2 = "The quick brown fox";
$strarr = (explode(" ",$str1));
$strarr2 = (explode(" ",$str2));
if(sizeof($strarr) > sizeof($strarr2)){
$result = array_diff($strarr,$strarr2);
$result = array_diff($strarr2,$strarr);
The above will return the difference between array size greater than the lower.i.e. element present in first array but not in 2nd.
But if you want the complete difference between 2 of them i.e. element in first array does not exist in 2nd and vice versa you can do something as
$fullDiff = array_merge(array_diff($strarr, $strarr2), array_diff($strarr2, $strarr));