Hi I was wondering why updating the text of a button behave different in my app.
I call a fragment that gets the information what the button should be updated with, I do a interface-callback from the fragment to update a global variable that the activity updates the button text.
The problem is that the activity where the button is located doesn't refresh the button to show the new text but if I do it through the fragment it works, invalidating the button doesn't work or force refresh if I do it through the activity.
Here is the activity that calls when you press the button who then calls a fragment who shows a list and when you click on a option the button should change its text to whatever you have choosed:
public void onClick_testSite(View view)
// create the fragment
SelectChartTypeDialogFragment chartType = new SelectChartTypeDialogFragment();
// register you as a delegate for the callback
chartType.delegate = this;
// show the list
chartType.show(getFragmentManager(), "WEE");
// fetch the button and set the text ** DOESNT WORK **
Button p1_button = (Button)findViewById(R.id.btn_pickChart);
public void processFinish(String response)
this.response = response;
and here is part of the fragment that handles the dialog:
public Dialog onCreateDialog(Bundle savedInstanceState)
// get the list from a enum
final List<ChartTypes> chartList = Arrays.asList(ChartTypes.values());
// The array containing the different choices
ArrayAdapter<ChartTypes> adapter = new ArrayAdapter<ChartTypes>(
getActivity(), android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, chartList);
// Use the Builder class for convenient dialog construction
AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(getActivity());
// The dialog setting
builder.setAdapter(adapter, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener()
public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int position)
// get the name of the enum based on the position, what one
// clicked on the dialog
String strName = chartList.get(position).name();
// this sets the text in the activitys global variable
// set the text in the fragment instead
// Create the AlertDialog object and return it
return builder.create();
public void changeBtnText(String newBtnxt)
Button button = (Button)getActivity().findViewById(R.id.btn_pickChart);
My question is, why does it update the text on the gui(when running the app) through the fragment but not through the activity, i.e the method p1_button.setText(response);?
EDIT answer as explained by Raghunandan:
Problem was that I didn't understand that onClick_testSite(View view)
completed even if you did not click anything on the dialog, I thought it waited with the function call of chartType.show()
for it to return and then proceed to the end of the function.
You need to initialize public AsyncResponse delegate = null;
delegate =(AsyncResponse) getActivity();
I believe this is the implemented method
public void processFinish(String response)
Log.i(".........",response); // check if the response is logged
// if you get the response your button text will be changed
// else you need to look at why the response is not logged.
Declare Button p1_button
as instance variable ( for example before onCreate).
Initialize this
p1_button = (Button)findViewById(R.id.btn_pickChart); // in onCreate
Probably the button is refreshed even before the response is received in processFinish
. Then you initialize the response variable. So the button text is set the next time you click on the button.
You can declare the button before onCreate and update it in processFinish
insteadas hwon above.