I have two tables that each include a identical value (in most cases)
I am able to get the row ID from table 1, where table 1 value = table 2 value
SELECT wp_posts.ID
FROM `wp_posts`
RIGHT OUTER JOIN `wp_wpfb_files` ON wp_posts.post_name = wp_wpfb_files.file_display_name)
Now I want to update table 2 and set the column attach_id to equal the post ID from table 1 where they share the same value as per the results of the join. I'm having trouble wrapping my head around this.
Thanks in advance for any help
Try this:
UPDATE `wp_wpfb_files` wf
LEFT JOIN `wp_posts` wp ON wf.file_display_name = wp.post_name
SET wf.attach_id = wp.ID;