The question is in AfterReceiveRequest how to find out the custom attribute set on the Operation using the OperationDescription? If there's a way, is it better to set the custom attribute on operation declaration in service contract interface or the service implementation class?
To illustrate the question further:
public interface IGetterSetterService
[OperationContract, GetterRequest]
Data[] GetData();
[OperationContract, SetterRequest]
bool SetData(string Data);
[WebInvoke(Method = "*", ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json, UriTemplate = "xyz"]
public Data[] GetData()
return new Data[];
[WebInvoke(Method = "*", ResponseFormat = WebMessageformat.Json, UriTemplate = "xyz/{data}"]
public bool SetData(string data)
return true;
Now the IDispatchMessageInspector:
public object AfterReceiveRequest(ref Message request, IClientChannel channel, InstanceContext instanceContext)
//Here how to find out the GetterRequest or SetterRequest custom attribute set on an
//operation, may be using OperationDescription for the current context?
My complete solution looks like this and it works without any problem:
1. First get the operation description as discussed here
2. Then find the custom attributes set on Operations in Service
private UserAction GetIntendedUserAction(OperationDescription opDesc)
Type contractType = opDesc.DeclaringContract.ContractType;
var attr = contractType.GetMethod(opDesc.Name).GeCustomAttributes(typeof(RequestedAction), false) as RequestedAction[];
if (attr != null && attr.Length > 0)
return attr[0].ActionName;
return UserAction.Unknown;
public enum UserAction
Unknown = 0,
View = 1,
Control = 2,
SysAdmin = 3,
public class RequestedAction : Attribute
public UserAction ActionName { get; set; }
public RequestedAction(UserAction action)
ActionName = action;