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Running cucumber on

I have a rails app and I am using a box to develop it. I am trying to run my cucumber features but I am getting an error because firefox is not install. I tried to install firefox but the security settings of the box does not allow me to do.

It there a way to run cucumber features on a nitrous box?


  • Since you will not be able to utilize a web browser within the web IDE, you will want to utilize PhantomJS. You can install the latest version with the Autoparts package manager:

    parts install phantomjs

    Once installed, you will need to configure your rails app to utilize it. There are many articles which will help you out with this. Here is a bit from which covers using PhantomJS with Cucumber:

    " I’m assuming you’ve got Cucumber-rails set up in your Rails app already, so if you haven’t, take a look at this Railscast to get you started.

    Next, add poltergeist to your gemfile (probably in your :test group) like so:

    gem 'poltergeist'

    and run bundle install

    The next thing to do is register Poltergeist as a new browser in Cucumber, and make it run as the default driver for all your JavaScript tests. Open up your features/support/env.rb file and add the following lines:

    require 'capybara/poltergeist'
    Capybara.register_driver :poltergeist do |app|, {debug: false})
    Capybara.javascript_driver = :poltergeist

    Then you should be good to go! Crucially, you need to make sure you add the @javascript tag to all your tests, so Capybara knows to use Poltergeist for your tests, but other than that, when you now run your tests, rather than a browser window being fired up, everything happens in the background like magic! "