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nHibernate One to One property null when loaded

I have a One to One relation between a TimeRecord and the Location. This implementation is exactly the same es described in documentation:

 public class TimeRecordMap : ClassMap<TimeRecord>
    public TimeRecordMap()
        Id(x => x.Id);

        Map(x => x.Description);
        Map(x => x.StartTime);
        Map(x => x.EndTime);

        HasOne(x => x.Location).Cascade.All();


   public class LocationMap : ClassMap<Location>
    public LocationMap()
        Id(x => x.Id);

        Map(x => x.Longitude);
        Map(x => x.Latitude);
        Map(x => x.Adress);

        References(x => x.TimeRecord).Unique();


Now I query my TimeRecords with the following method:

  public IList<TimeRecord> GetTimeRecords(string userid)
        var query = Session.Query<TimeRecord>().Where(tr => tr.User.Id == userid);
        return query.ToList();

Unfortunalelty my Location object is always null even if there is a coresponding entry in Location table but when I query for the coresponding Location with the desired TimeRecordId it is returned correctly.

See code here (code is inside a loop -> trCurrent is the current object in list received from "GetTimeRecords")

  Location location = _locationRepo.getLocationByTimeRecordId(trCurrent.Id);
                //trCurrent.Location = location; <- don't want to do it that way
                if (trCurrent.Location != null)<- always null
                       ... do stuff here

Implementation of my LocationRepository method:

  public Location getLocationByTimeRecordId(int timeId)
        var query = Session.Query<Location>()
                    .Where(tr => tr.TimeRecord.Id == timeId && tr.IsDeleted == false);

        List<Location> lstReturn = query.ToList();
        if (lstReturn.Count() == 0)
            return null;
            return lstReturn.First();

Can someone tell me why my Location is not resolved corretly?

Cheers, Stefan


  • People claim that

    HasOne / one-to-one is usually reserved for a special case. Generally, you'd use a References / many-to-one relationship in most situations (see: I think you mean a many-to-one). If you really do want a one-to-one, then you can use the HasOne method.

    If you really do want a one-to-one and use it, you should remember that entities are joined by their ids by default.

    If you check generated SQL you'll see something like JOIN Location ON Location.Id = TimeRecord.Id.

    In order to get SQL like JOIN Location ON Location.TimeRecordId = TimeRecord.Id you should specify the foreign key via PropertyRef() method. So your mapping could be the folloving:

    public class TimeRecordMap : ClassMap<TimeRecord>
        public TimeRecordMap()
            Id(x => x.Id);
            Map(x => x.Description);
            Map(x => x.StartTime);
            Map(x => x.EndTime);
            HasOne(x => x.Location).Cascade.All().PropertyRef(it => it.TimeRecord);
    public class LocationMap : ClassMap<Location>
        public LocationMap()
            Id(x => x.Id);
            Map(x => x.Longitude);
            Map(x => x.Latitude);
            Map(x => x.Adress);
            References(x => x.TimeRecord/*, "TimeRecordId"*/).Unique().Not.Nullable();        

    In order to make sure that any location has TimeRecord you can add .Not.Nullable() into your LocationMap class.