Appsdk2 rc2 seems to be ignoring the width parameter on columnCfgs for rallygrids.
For example:
xtype: 'rallygrid',
columnCfgs: [
{dataIndex: 'ValueScore', width: 40, text:'Value'}
This renders with a 40 pixel width in rc1, but does not in rc2. Is this a bug, or has the parameter changed? Is there a solution for this?
This is a bug in the 2.0rc2 release. For now it can be worked around by including flex: null in your column config to override what the grid is doing incorrectly:
xtype: 'rallygrid',
columnCfgs: [
{dataIndex: 'ValueScore', width: 40, text:'Value', flex: null}
A defect has been submitted and this should be fixed for the next release.