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Neo4j with spatial: NotFoundException: More than one relationship

What is the cause and how to fix this exception:

org.neo4j.graphdb.NotFoundException: More than one relationship[RTREE_CHILD, INCOMING] found for NodeImpl#105
at org.neo4j.kernel.impl.core.NodeImpl.getSingleRelationship(
at org.neo4j.kernel.impl.core.NodeProxy.getSingleRelationship(
at org.neo4j.collections.rtree.RTreeIndex.getIndexNodeParent(
at org.neo4j.collections.rtree.RTreeIndex.adjustPathBoundingBox(
at org.neo4j.collections.rtree.RTreeIndex.add(
at org.neo4j.gis.spatial.EditableLayerImpl.add(
at org.neo4j.gis.spatial.ShapefileImporter.importFile(
at org.neo4j.gis.spatial.ShapefileImporter.importFile(

I am using 2.0.0 and spatial jars coming from compiled github project.

The exception is thrown when I try to import Shapefile (this is code in unmanaged extension):

GraphDatabaseService spatialDb = new GraphDatabaseFactory().newEmbeddedDatabase("/home/db/data/spatial.db");
    Transaction tx = spatialDb.beginTx();
    try {
        ShapefileImporter importer = new ShapefileImporter(spatialDb, new NullListener());
        importer.importFile("/home/bla/realshp/users_location.shp", "users_location");
    } catch (Exception e) {
    } finally {
        return Response.status(200).entity("Done. ").build();

The shape file is generated from CSV file with ogr2ogr - it seems legit and is read without exceptions. In the original file there was around 30000 points defined as follows (ogr2ogr will pull longitude and latitude):

3,-122.1171925,37.4343361,1,2013-11-20 05:03:22
304,-122.0919000,37.3094000,1,2013-11-03 00:42:01
311,-122.0919000,37.3094000,1,2013-11-03 00:42:01

How to get around it? I need to load milions of points to the db. Side question: now I create new graph-spatial datastore - is it correct? Maybe I should load it to existing graph db?


I tried to input coordinates "manually" using methods from TestSimplePointLayer. I got the same exception around 450th coordinate. Bunch of them are the same as you can see in the sample, but they are valid points. How to get around it?


  • You are skipping a step here. You create a spatial index and then you add the users to the index.

    So for example if you had a shape file of all the states or counties or zip codes in the US, you can create a spatial layer with those shapes and add the users to them.

    You can use a simple point layer as well if you want, but they have to be unique, but the user nodes that reside in those locations don't have to be. See and for a better idea.