Hi I'm trying to perform a sort in a controller of parent and child before rendering a json file but I'm not sure how to go about doing it. Here's what I have (excerpt of original code):
class Parent{
static hasMany = [children:Child]
String name
Date dateCreated
class Child {
static belongsTo = [parent:Parent]
String name
Date dateCreated
In my controller .groovy file I have :
def list(){
def result = Parent.listOrderByDateCreated(order: "desc")
.... more code ....
json {render result as JSON}
xml {render result as XML}
and the above works (parent is sorted by date created) but I'm not sure how can I sort all the children by date created within the list.
Thank you for your help in advance. Also I'm using Grails 2.3.2
One way is to assume you always want the children sorted by the dateCreated. Add the following to your Parent domain:
static mapping = {
children sort: 'dateCreated'
Another way would be to do the sort after you've pulled the results:
def sortedChildren = parent.children.sort { it.dateCreated }
If there is a fancier "grailsier" way to do this via finders or criteria, I do not know.