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ember-simple-auth qunit test with jquery mockjax

I use ember-simple-auth within my application. For my test I use QUnit together with jquery-mockjax. But I didn't get my test, login with correct credentials, to work with a mocked response. If I didn't mock, the test below works. The mocked response looks exactly like a server response.

My question is, how should I mock the response for ember-simple-auth?

test "with correct credentials", ->

  response = 
    access_token : "92d50f562503e40fe783c2ebf359e0c2b37fa80758e2e3603d7e3e82a485522a"
    expires_in : 7200
    token_type : "bearer"

  # if I remove the following line, the test works
  mock_http('/oauth/token', response, 200)

  .fillIn('#identification', '[email protected]')
  .fillIn('#password', 'tester')
  .click('.btn-success').then ->
    ok(find("a:contains('Logout')").length, 'logout link not visible')
      ok(not find("a:contains('Login')").length, 'login link still visible')

the following test also works with mocking:

test "with wrong credentials", ->

  response = 
    error : 'some error occured'

  mock_http('/oauth/token', response, 401)

  .fillIn('#identification', 'test')
  .fillIn('#password', 'wrong')
  .click('.btn-success').then ->
    ok(not find("a:contains('Logout')").length, 'logout link not visible')
    ok(find("a:contains('Login')").length, 'login link still visible')


Following a jsBin, that shows the problem:


  • The problem is caused by jQuery version conflicts with mockjax. With the help from marcoow I found this stackoverflow question. With jQuery < 1.10 it works. Mhh... that's not nice.

    By the way a working jsBin:

    EDIT: You can find more detailed information here. The problem is caused by a changed in jQuery.

    @marcoow: One fix is to add dataType: 'json' to the request options of Ember.SimpleAuth. Maybe you have some time to look at the informations given in the link above.