I'm following a tutorial from this website: Monetizing Game Apps by Todd Perkins
Access to all the files are not required for the questions I'm asking. I have done research on how to solve this on stack overflow and discussed it below
I have followed the tutorial and it has asked me to:
$ ./build_native.sh Using prebuilt externals ./build_native.sh: line 74: /cygdrive/c/android-ndk-r9c-windows-x86_64/ndk-build: No such file or directory
So I looked into the files and double-checked my changes:
In create-android-project.bat I modified the following variables:
set _CYGBIN=c:\Cygwin64\bin
set _ANDROIDTOOLS=c:\Program Files (x86)\ADT\adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20130219\sdk\tools
set _NDKROOT=c:\android-ndk-r9c-windows-x86_64
echo "Using prebuilt externals"
Double check what NDK_ROOT is pointing to in build_native.sh:
NDK_ROOT=/cygdrive/c/android-ndk-r9c-windows-x86_64 COCOS2DX_ROOT=/cygdrive/c/Users/DarkRaveDev/Documents/cocos2d-x-2.0.1 GAME_ROOT=$COCOS2DX_ROOT/chaara GAME_ANDROID_ROOT=$GAME_ROOT/proj.android RESOURCE_ROOT=$GAME_ROOT/Resources
My Research:
I surfed SO for quite some time and tried the following from SO:
What exactly am I doing wrong? Is it the variables are badly set or is cygwin not properly installed?
Thank you to everyone who commented! :)
This is what I ended up doing.
Also I kept using my version of ndk which is r9 instead of r8 in the tutorial, it didn't give me any hiccups.
Thank you SO!