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Setting up Cygwin + Android NDK + cocos2Dx to work with Eclipse

I'm following a tutorial from this website: Monetizing Game Apps by Todd Perkins

Access to all the files are not required for the questions I'm asking. I have done research on how to solve this on stack overflow and discussed it below

I have followed the tutorial and it has asked me to:

  1. Install Cygwin
  2. Download Cocos2dx-2.0.1(I know this is old, but I don't want to deal with deprecating problems until I'm more confident with the environment)
  3. Run create-android-project.bat(works fine).
  4. Open project I created- and move to and run in Cygwin.
  5. Then I open up cygwin.bat, navigate to myproject/ and run ./


$ ./ Using prebuilt externals ./ line 74: /cygdrive/c/android-ndk-r9c-windows-x86_64/ndk-build: No such file or directory

So I looked into the files and double-checked my changes:

  1. In create-android-project.bat I modified the following variables:

    set _CYGBIN=c:\Cygwin64\bin

set _ANDROIDTOOLS=c:\Program Files (x86)\ADT\adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20130219\sdk\tools

set _NDKROOT=c:\android-ndk-r9c-windows-x86_64

  1. Check line 74 that cygwin complained about in myproject/

echo "Using prebuilt externals" $NDK_ROOT/ndk-build -C $GAME_ANDROID_ROOT \ NDK_MODULE_PATH=${COCOS2DX_ROOT}:${COCOS2DX_ROOT}/cocos2dx/platform/third_party/android/prebuilt

  1. Double check what NDK_ROOT is pointing to in

    NDK_ROOT=/cygdrive/c/android-ndk-r9c-windows-x86_64 COCOS2DX_ROOT=/cygdrive/c/Users/DarkRaveDev/Documents/cocos2d-x-2.0.1 GAME_ROOT=$COCOS2DX_ROOT/chaara GAME_ANDROID_ROOT=$GAME_ROOT/ RESOURCE_ROOT=$GAME_ROOT/Resources

My Research:

I surfed SO for quite some time and tried the following from SO:

  1. EOL Conversion in Notepad++ so LF works for windows for the
  2. An answer somewhere said I need to install the make package when installing cygwin.. I'm not getting this problem, so I'm not sure if this applies.
  3. I have searched many ways to set path - NDK_ROOT


What exactly am I doing wrong? Is it the variables are badly set or is cygwin not properly installed?


  • Thank you to everyone who commented! :)

    This is what I ended up doing.

    1. Reinstall Cygwin : When you get to the select packages to install page, make sure to find DEVEL and change the install action from default to install. I know its a lot of megs but it's easier than combing through it. If you do want to comb through it and get only what you need, I suggest using this website: Installing a c++ compiler for windows
    2. Make your paths simple : Like user2359247 suggested.
    3. Finally run the create_android.bat, open your android project. Keep the path location of your file in mind and open your cygwin terminal.
    4. Navigate to the path in cygwin, and run the file with sh At this point everything was quite smooth sailing.


    Also I kept using my version of ndk which is r9 instead of r8 in the tutorial, it didn't give me any hiccups.

    Thank you SO!