I wrote an application to export information to an Excel file (XLS), but it isn't exporting all my rows (11,444 rows) and is only exporting 5,630 rows.
Here is my table:
##### I HAVE MORE THAN 5000 rows
|id| |num_policy| |money|
1 12345 1000
2 45151 2000
3 15488 1300
... ... ...
Here is my controller: (proyect/app/controller/policy_controller.rb)
class PolicyController < ApplicationController
def exportation
@policies = Policy.paginate(:page => params[:page], :per_page => 10)
@results= Policy.find(:all)
respond_to do |format|
format.xls { send_data render_to_string(:partial=>"report"), :filename => "Report.xls" }
Here is my view: (proyect/app/views/exportation.html.erb)
<% @policies.each do |policy| %>
<%= policy.id %>
<%= policy.num_policy %>
<%= policy.money %>
<% end %>
<%= link_to "Export Excel",{:controller=>"policy",:action=>"exportation", :format=>"xls",:page => params[:page] } %>
Here is my view: (proyect/app/views/_report.erb) but is not exporting more than 500
<% @results.find_each(:batch_size => 8000) do |policy| %>
<%= policy.id %>
<%= policy.num_policy %>
<%= policy.money %>
<% end %>
Here is my log:
Rendered policy/_report (64280.5ms)
Sending data Report.xls
Completed in 64394ms (View: 0, DB: 0) | 200 OK []
I tried:
<% @results.each do |policy| %>
<%= policy.id %>
<%= policy.num_policy %>
<%= policy.money %>
<% end %>
And also removed :page => params[:page]
and it didn't work.
<%= link_to "Export Excel",{:controller=>"policy",:action=>"exportation", :format=>"xls"} %>
And also added a count to make sure that it has 11,444 rows.
class PolicyController < ApplicationController
def exportation
@policies = Policy.count
@results = Policy.count
SELECT count(*) AS count_all FROM `policies`
### And I got 11 444 rows on both.
Is not my query because I checked it on MySQL.
I spent one week searching information about this problem.
Seems that I need to add something else.
Can someone help me with this?
Well after doing my last testing i found the answer and was very easy.
I was using LINUX UBUNTU 64 bit and it uses OPEN OFFICE (libre calc) and this program is only showing 5000 rows.
The solution is:
*** Open the file using Microsoft Excel on Windows. ***
Thank you guys for helping.