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Sparql about dbpedia:World_Wide_Web

I'm new to the semantic web and I'm trying to figure out how to write a SPARQL query to extract from dbpedia everything about a particular subject. Not just it's proprieties, but also everything related to it.

I'm not even sure how to start such a query.

I would like to get all triples about the World Wide Web.

PREFIX dbpedia: <>

  ?s ?p ?o .
  ?s ?p dbpedia:World_Wide_Web  

  #  FILTER( lang(?s) = "en" )   -- doesn't work with filter

}Limit 100

This only returns some triples with a owl:sameAs predicate

Can you help me?


  • You can get all the triples that have dbpedia:World_Wide_Web as their subject or object with a query like this (this only gives 1000, of course). For any objects that are literals, we can restrict their language value:

    select ?s ?p ?o where {
      values ?web { dbpedia:World_Wide_Web }
      { ?web ?p ?o bind( ?web as ?s ) } union
      { ?s ?p ?web bind( ?web as ?o ) }
      # for literal objects, take only English ones
      filter( !isLiteral(?o) || langMatches(lang(?o),'en') )
    limit 1000

    SPARQL results

    This includes results like the following, which seems to align with what you mentioned in the comments:

    That will produce a lot of results, so you might want to restrict the properties that you can use. You should be able to do the following, but on the current DBpedia endpoint, it causes an error.

    select ?s ?p ?o where {
      values ?web { dbpedia:World_Wide_Web }
      values ?p   { rdf:type dbpedia-owl:abstract }
      { ?web ?p ?o bind( ?web as ?s ) } union
      { ?s ?p ?web bind( ?web as ?o ) }
    limit 1000
    Virtuoso 37000 Error SP031: SPARQL compiler: Internal error: sparp_gp_attach_filter_cbk(): attempt to attach a filter with used variable
    SPARQL query:
    define sql:big-data-const 0 
    define sql:signal-void-variables 1 define input:default-graph-uri <> select ?s ?p ?o where {
      values ?web { dbpedia:World_Wide_Web }
      values ?p   { rdf:type dbpedia-owl:abstract }
      { ?web ?p ?o bind( ?web as ?s ) } union
      { ?s ?p ?web bind( ?web as ?o ) }
    limit 1000

    Instead, as a workaround, you can do this:

    select ?s ?p ?o where {
      values ?web { dbpedia:World_Wide_Web }
      { ?web ?p ?o bind( ?web as ?s ) }
      { ?s ?p ?web bind( ?web as ?o ) }
      filter( ?p in (rdf:type, dbpedia-owl:abstract ))  ###
    limit 1000

    SPARQL results