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Wcf Data Service Client

I am just getting started with using Wcf Data Services to expose an entity framework database. I am quite familiar with WCF in general but not with data services.

I am trying to create a client without having to run the program and add a service reference.

This is because the database is not created, or complete, and there are other developers working on this.

I have looked at using the DataService<T>.AttachHost() method however this requires a IDataServiceHost which apparently DataServiceHost does not implement.

Does any one know a way to achieve this, or am I stuck with add service reference.



Just to explain a little more, as on reflection my question was poorly phrased.

Here is an example of the network setup

SQL SERVER | Firewall | APP SERVER | Firewall | CLIENTS

So there is a database on the SQL SERVER (MS-SQL)

The WcfDataService is running on the APP SERVER on port 1234. WcfDataService implemented by inheriting from DataService<MyContext> and hosting in a windows service

The clients need to connect to the DataService, using endpoint something like - htp://app-server:123465/

How can I create a class, preferably with an associated interface so I can unit test which would connect to the DataService and use its methods.



  • It sounds like you are just asking how to create the client context. You can use DataServiceContext.


    var serviceRoot = new Uri("http://app-server:123465/");
    var context = new DataServiceContext(serviceRoot, DataServiceProtocolVersion.V3);

    ** There is more work beyond this... but this should get you started down the right path.