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C# - Microsoft Expression Encoder missing reference, how to add them to project?

I have an application that has an Image Capture feature.

When I try to build it in Visual Studio 2012, I get missing references to Expression Encoder. The image capture facility has been achieved using Microsoft Expression Encoder, and it uses code from it's API. In order to build this application successfully, the PC where I'm trying to build needs some sort of Expression Encoder codec where it will get the references from.

I have tried installing the full application (Microsoft Expression Encoder 4) which is about 25MB, which fixes all the references. We do not want that, due to the application being offered to clients, which means they will have to install another application, the Expression Encoder 4 on top of our application. I'm thinking that there must be a codec of some sort that contains these missing references which is of course smaller than 25MB.

The missing references are the following:

Microsoft.Expression.Encoder.Devices; Microsoft.Expression.Encoder.Live; LiveJob LiveDeviceSource EncoderDevices EncoderDeviceType EncoderDevice Source Properties Preview Window

Does anyone have more experience with this and knows how to fix the missing references?

Thank you very much.


  • This is not possible to deploy an application that uses EE4 SDK without installing the entire application on the target machine. Things had to change from EE3 to EE4 but it does not. Even if you try to "copy local" DLLs in your application location, it requires to install the 25MB EE4 application.

    Hope this helps.