Beeing a threading noob, I'm trying to find a way w/o locking objects that allows me to enqueue a threadpool task, in such way that it has a max degree of parallelism = 1.
Will this code do what I think it does?
private int status;
private const int Idle = 0;
private const int Busy = 1;
private void Schedule()
// only schedule if we idle
// we become busy and get the old value to compare with
// in an atomic way (?)
if (Interlocked.Exchange(ref status, Busy) == Idle)
That is, in a threadsafe way enqueue the Run
method if the status is Idle
It seems to work fine in my tests, but since this is not my area, I'm not sure.
Yes, this will do what you want. It will never allow you to get a return value of Idle when in fact status is Busy, and it will set status to Busy in the same operation, with no chance of a conflict. So far so good.
However, if you're using a ConcurrentQueue<T>
later on, why do you even do this? Why do you use a ThreadPool to enqueue Run over and over again, instead of just having a single thread continually take data from the concurrent queue using TryDequeue?
In fact, there is a producer-consumer collection that is specifically designed for this, the BlockingCollection<T>
. Your consumer thread would just call Take
(with a cancellation token if necessary - probably a good idea) and that either returns a value as in ConcurrentQueue<T>;
or if no value is available, blocks the thread until there is something to take. When some other thread adds an item to the collection, it will notify as many consumers as it has data for (in your case, no need for anything complex, since you only have one consumer).
That means you only have to handle starting and stopping a single thread, which will run an "infinite" cycle, which will call col.Take
, while the producers call col.Add
Of course, this assumes you have .NET 4.0+ available, but then again, you probably do, since you're using ConcurrentQueue<T>