I was wondering is constantly reusing namespace names is valid for c# conventions/best practises.
I am develop most of my programs in Java, and i would have a packet for implementations, eg:
Let's talk about com.ajravindiran.jolt.game.items.sql
, which is most close my situation. I current wrote a library that wraps the MySQL Connection/Net into a OODBMS.
So i have an interface called ISqlDataObject
which has the following members:
bool Insert(SqlDatabaseClient client);
bool Delete(SqlDatabaseClient client);
bool Update(SqlDatabaseClient client);
bool Load(SqlDatabaseClient client);
and used like such:
public class SqlItem : Item, ISqlDataObject
public bool Load(SqlDatabaseClient client)
client.AddParameter("id", this.Id);
DataRow row = client.ReadDataRow("SELECT * FROM character_items WHERE item_uid = @id;");
this.Examine = (string)row["examine_quote"];
SqlItem item = new SqlItem(int itemid);
So i was wondering if it's ok to add the sql editions of the items into something like JoltEnvironment.Game.Items.Sql
or should i just keep it at JoltEnvironment.Game.Items
Thanks in adnvanced, AJ Ravindiran.
You're asking about naming conventions, and the answer is, it's really up to you.
I allow for extra levels of hierarchy in a namespace if there will be multiple implementations. In your case, the .Sql is appropriate if there is some other storage mechanism that doesn't use Sql for queries. Maybe it's XML/Xpath. But if you don't have that, then it seems like the .Sql layer of naming isn't necessary.
At that poiint, though, I'm wondering why you would use {games,users} at the prior level. Feels like the namespace is more naturally
..And the Fully-qualified type names would be
JoltEnvironment.Game.Storage.SqlItem JoltEnvironment.Game.Storage.SqlUser
and so on.
If a namespace, like JoltEnvironment.Game.Items, has only one or two classes, it seems like it ought to be collapsed into a higher level namespace.