I'm searching for a good solution to build a large databased-full-text-index. Currently i'm using a Sybase iAnywhere Database for my full-text-index, but with a growing database it seems to be slow. Now i'm not sure, if this is a problem with relational databases or only sybase/my fault.
I searched also for nosql-solutions, but i can't decide which is the best one (MongoDB/CouchDB).
Now i have two question, is there a reason(technical) why sql or nosql databases are better for build large full-text-index?
Does anyone know a good nosql database for building a large full-text-index? Maybe some one has experiances with them.
Thank you!
Apache Solr and Sphinx Search are much more feature-rich and high-performance solutions for fulltext search.
FWIW, CouchDB is integrated with Lucene, the same engine at the core of Apache Solr.