When logged into trello in a browser you can easily backup a board by hitting a URL like this: https://trello.com/board/replaceWithMyBoardId/my-board-name.json
I'd like to write a script that will go through a given set of boards and automatically archive the json export.
I've already got a developer key, and I've already got an oauth token. I can successfully go to https://api.trello.com/1/board/replaceWithMyBoardId?key=replaceWithMyKey&token=replaceWithMyToken but that only gives me basic board info. I want to get the full board export like I would through the browser.
Any ideas?
These seem like the two simplest options -
Set this Google Drive script to run and save all the card data to a spreadsheet - http://www.littlebluemonkey.com/online-scrum-tools-part-4-trello-backup/
There is a php script on github that you could setup on a cron - https://github.com/mattab/trello-backup