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Get MailItem after Items.ItemAdd event

I'm trying to get the size and the conversation index of an email after it's meved to the sent mail folder.

STDMETHODIMP CItemsEventListener::HandleItemAdd(DISPPARAMS* pDispParams, CString p_csDate, CString p_csTime)
    HRESULT l_hResult;
    CMailItem l_mailItem = NULL ;
    IDispatch * m_disp = pDispParams->rgvarg[1].pdispVal;
    l_hResult = m_disp->QueryInterface(IID_MailItemItems, (void**)&l_mailItem);
    //Do stuff

The QueryInterface method generates an exception. (access violation). Ps: Im using the very same CMailItem class with application events and it works well. What am I doing wrong?

Any help would be appreciated.


  • Firstly, how is that method invoked?

    Secondly, you are accessing the second parameter (rgvarg[1].pdispVal). You need to use the first parameter (rgvarg[0].pdispVal).