I am using a vector of opencv Rect objects. What i want is to erase some of vectors elements inside a for-loop. However, it seems that I haven't access to vector's erase() fucntion. I am receiving the following message:
/home/christosh/Desktop/recognition-build-desktop-Qt_4_8_1_in_PATH_System_Release/../faceRec/src/Detection.cpp:88: error: 'class cv::Rect_' has no member named 'erase'
My code :
vector<Rect> faces, eyes;
for(int l=0; l<eyes.size(); l++){
if(eyes[l].y> faces[i].height){
Did you miss parenthesis? That's a function.
Edit: Seems I misread you question. If is is stl::vector erase then you can take hint from code below: You will have to use iterator.
vector<int>::iterator it = res.begin(); for( ; it != res.end(); it++) { it = res.erase(it); }