the following data in MySql table.
8 |9 |8
35 |2829 |4
28 |2960 |3
28 |2961 |3
28 |3041 |3
35 |2831 |3
28 |2965 |3
35 |2832 |3
28 |2959 |2
28 |2976 |2
35 |2894 |2
How can i find top 5 images with GROUP_CONCAT
function in each brand
And i would like to following to return
8 |9
35 |2829,2831,2832,2894
28 |2960,2961,3041,2965,2959
The following query provide expected result
SELECT brand_id, SUBSTRING_INDEX(GROUP_CONCAT(image_id SEPARATOR ','),',',5) AS image_ids
FROM Table1
GROUP BY brand_id
i have a large amount data approx 2MILION records in table and brand_id, image_id both are repeated with each user download so when i run query i got following error
MySql Error: %d line(s) were cut by GROUP_CONCAT()
I think the GROUP_CONCAT range exceeded, can you please provide solution so i have get only top 5 downloads in each brand so there not require SUBSTRING_INDEX function.
Thank you
Try this:
SELECT brand_id, GROUP_CONCAT(image_id) image_ids
FROM (SELECT brand_id, image_id,
IF(@lastBrandId = @lastBrandId:=brand_id, @Idx:=@Idx+1, @Idx:=0) rowNumber
FROM Table1, (SELECT @lastBrandId:=0, @Idx:=0) A
ORDER BY brand_id, downloads DESC
) AS A
WHERE rowNumber < 5
GROUP BY brand_id