I recently started with Dart (www.dartlang.org) and really like it so far. A very promising feature are isolates, but I am not sure on how to start.
The documentation I found so far is from before a breaking change (BREAKING CHANGE: dart:isolate) in October 2013. The information in this "Breaking change" email is quite complicated and it looks like the new api is more complicated than the old.
I've got some questions:
I tried this example and it works https://gist.github.com/olostan/7883315
import "dart:isolate";
void main() {
var sPort = new ReceivePort();
SendPort rPort;
sPort.listen((msg) {
if (msg is SendPort) {
print("Host got port. sending back");
rPort = msg;
else print("Host got $msg");
void test(sender) {
var rPort = new ReceivePort();
print("Worker got $msg");
if (msg!=null)
sender.send("I am worker");
else rPort.close();
Isolates seem not to be used too much yet so there may still be some bugs.
The latest problems I remember reading about was debugging code running in isolates. I don't know if this is solved yet.
It also depends if you want to use isolates on the server or in the browser.
AFAIK it's more stable in the VM.