Trying to make a simple IRC client for personal use so I installed Delphi 7 and Indy 10, note that I haven't done any work in delphi for 10 (?) years and even then it wasn't that advanced. Just for playing around.
procedure TForm1.IRCPrivateMessage(ASender: TIdContext; const ANickname,
AHost, ATarget, AMessage: String);
if ATarget = '#channel' then
Memo1.Lines.Add('[' + TimeToStr(Time) + '] <' + ANickname + '> ' + Amessage);
if ATarget = '#channel2' then
Memo2.Lines.Add('[' + TimeToStr(Time) + '] <' + ANickname + '> ' + Amessage);
This will freeze the program because of two uses of Amessage?
Would be great if anyone could show me a working example of getting time, nick and message added to a memo on the privatemessage event :)
As described in the answer to the question (Delphi 2009) idIRC, MDI, and problems with hanging
, IRCPrivateMessage
runs in the same thread as the blocking socket. Accessing the GUI from this event handler without proper protection is not allowed.
You need to use Synchronize
, Queue
or other techniques like posting messages to the main thread.