Is there any way to call HTTPS wcf ksoap from Android with WSHttpBinding?
With http and basichttpbinding it is working fine but I can't get it to work with HTTPS and WSHttpBinding.
For WSHttpBinding Support
KSoap will support WSHttpBinding. Use Version12 tag.
SoapSerializationEnvelope soapEnvelope = new SoapSerializationEnvelope(SoapEnvelope.VER12);
soapEnvelope.implicitTypes = true;
soapEnvelope.dotNet = true;
soapEnvelope.headerOut = SoapUtils.buildHeader(url, soapAction);
Add the required Headers to the Envelope
private static final String HTTP_ADDRESSING_ANONYMOUS = "";
private static final String HTTP_ADDRESSING = "";
private static final String ACTION = "Action";
private static final String TO = "To";
private static final String ADDRESS = "Address";
private static final String REPLY_TO = "ReplyTo";
private static final String MUST_UNDERSTAND = "mustUnderstand";
private static Element[] buildHeader(String url, String soapAction) {
List<Element> headers = new ArrayList<Element>();
Element elementAction = new Element().createElement(HTTP_ADDRESSING, ACTION);
elementAction.addChild(Node.TEXT, soapAction);
elementAction.setAttribute(HTTP_ADDRESSING, MUST_UNDERSTAND, "1");
Element elementTo = new Element().createElement(HTTP_ADDRESSING, TO);
elementTo.addChild(Node.TEXT, url);
elementTo.setAttribute(HTTP_ADDRESSING, MUST_UNDERSTAND, "1");
Element elementReplyto = new Element().createElement(HTTP_ADDRESSING, REPLY_TO);
Element address = new Element().createElement(HTTP_ADDRESSING, ADDRESS);
elementReplyto.addChild(Node.ELEMENT, address);
elementReplyto.setAttribute(HTTP_ADDRESSING, MUST_UNDERSTAND, "1");
int size = headers.size();
Element[] array = new Element[size];
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
array[i] = headers.get(i);
return array;
For Https Support
Create a Fake Certificate and allow SSL.