I'm trying to understand and set up Sunspot gem in my Rails 4.0 project. I'm trying to implement a better search in my open-source project, BTC-Stores, but I'm a bit confused about how to do that with Sunspot.
Currently, I have the following architecture (model):
# Relationship with Category
belongs_to :category
accepts_nested_attributes_for :category
searchable do
text :name, :description
integer :category_id
string :sort_name do # why I have this here? I dont understand this code
name.downcase.gsub(/^(an?|the)/, '')
@search = Item.search do
fulltext params[:search] do
boost_fields :name => 2.0
# With category
facet :category_id
with(:category_id, params[:category_id]) if params[:category_id].present?
# Kaminari
paginate :page => params[:page], :per_page => 8
@items = @search.results
# Here a quick fix to show Category Name, instead of Category ID to user.
@items_categories = []
@search.facet(:category_id).rows.each do |row|
@items_categories << [Category.find_by_id(row.value), row.count]
@items_categories = @items_categories.sort_by { |e| e[0].name }
<% @items_categories.each do |category| %>
<div class="country-item">
<a href="#" class="country-row">
<div class="country">
<% if params[:category_id].blank? %>
<%= link_to category[0].name, :category_id => category[0].id %> (<%= category[1] %>)
<% else %>
<%= category[0].name %>(<%= link_to "remove", :category_id => nil %>)
<% end %>
<% end %>
When I search something, I have the desired results. Take a look at the categories and mainly at the URL:
Now, If i click in any of the listed categories, instead of add the category to "get" params, this is deleting the old params and then adding the category_id
Now my URL is http://localhost:3000/stores?category_id=6
instead of http://localhost:3000/stores?utf8=%E2%9C%93&search=bitcoin&category_id=6
. Look:
So, what can I doing wrong? And another thing, if you see issues in my code and things that can be better done, please tell me. I read all Sunspot documentation and RailsCast by Ryan Bates, but I don't understand how I can do things by the "right way".
Taking a hint from this answer
Instead of
<%= link_to category[0].name, :category_id => category[0].id %> (<%= category[1] %>)
Try using
<%= link_to category[0].name, request.parameters.merge({:category_id => category[0].id}) %> (<%= category[1] %>)
This would append the category ID to the existing get parameters.
However this has a downside too - Since you are using Facets
, drilling down would keep appending parameters, and you could end up doing an AND
by default. i.e. something like
So unless you want the drill down feature by default, you might want to tweak the params
merging logic.