I have n
different length cell vectors, call it c{i}
, i=1,2,...,n.
I wanna find those c{i} which equal with others, for example:
c{1}=[1 2 3 4 5 6]; c{2}=[1 3 5 7]; c{3}=[2 4 6 8];
c{4}=[1 4 6]; c{5}=[3 7]; c{6}=[2 4 6 8]; c{7}=[1 3 5 7];
I hope I can find [2 4 6 8]
and [1 3 5 7]
with a simple way instead of using two loops.
You can do it with unique
. You need to convert vectors to strings, because unique
works with cell arrays of strings but not with cell arrays of numeric vectors. After unique
, you can count how many strings (vector) are repeated with histc
, and them some indexing lets you retrieve the corresponding vectors:
strcell = cellfun(@(e) num2str(e), c, 'uniformoutput', 0); %// convert to strings
[~, ii, jj] = unique(strcell); %// apply unique. Second and third outputs needed
ind = find(histc(jj,min(jj)-.5:max(jj)+.2)>1); %// which appear more than once
result = c(ii(ind)); %// indexing to obtain corresponding original vectors