I'm pretty new at masm and I need to make a pocket calculator. I have done the macros for +, -, /, * and i'm putting my expression in the EBX register.
for example: I type "1 + 2 =" and the EBX takes all that string and stores it.
I'm trying to take every character and store it in CL so that I can call the macro after that. I have found the expression mov cl, byte ptr[ebx]
But right here my program crashes. I have no idea what's wrong. Here is my code:
zecimal read:
push offset expr
push offset expr_format
call scanf
add esp,8
mov al,output
mov bl,change ;to change the base ex. Zecimal - Z, Hexa - H
mov ecx,expr
cmp al,cl
jz end ;if input = "exit"
cmp bl,cl
jz read_loop ;changes base if = "num"
mov ebx,0 ;reset ebx
mov ecx,0 ;reset ecx
mov ebx,expr ;replace expr in ebx
mov eax,0 ;reset eax
mov ecx,0
mov cl,byte ptr[ebx] ;read 1st char from the string <--- THIS IS MY PROBLEM
cmp cl,' ' ;comp with spce
jz space
mul ten
sub cl,'0'
add ax,cx
inc ebx
jmp alloc
space: <-- this is where i compare the sign with my operators
I have searched everywhere and found nothing. PLEASE HELP :(
In the alloc
loop you're reading from [ebx]
, and right before the start of the loop you set ebx
to expr
. You haven't shown the declaration of expr
or explained what it's supposed to be, but I'm going to guess that it's an array of bytes that you use to hold a string. In that case, the line mov ebx, expr
should be mov ebx, offset expr