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Running specific tests using Espresso and Spoon

I am using Espresso and Spoon for my android tests. I am extremely pleased with these. My only problem is I am trying to run a specific test. I found this on the spoon site:

gradle spoon -PspoonClassName=fully.qualified.TestCase

But I cannot get this to work. It still runs all my test. Any suggestions? I am running the command like so:

gradle spoon -PStressTest=com.espresso.websocket

Where StressTest is my class, and com.espresso.websocket is my package.


  • Figured it out: had to add this to my build.gradle

      spoon {
         if (project.hasProperty('spoonClassName')) {
             className = project.spoonClassName  

    Then run tests with this:

     gradle spoon -PspoonClassName=com.espresso.websosket.StressTest