Im using the following code to check if username exists, But this script ignores capital letters.
So JAMES is the same as James
How do i ensure that the string matches the existing strings(UserNames) in the database as they are and JAMES is not equated to James.
Q2: mysql_real_escape_string
I only want to allow Numbers and Letters, but i want to detect these unwanted CHARS and tell the user that those funny CHARS are not allowed.
Here's my PHP Block of Code
$l = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['l']);
if ( $l == ''){
echo 'Please Enter your desired username.';
} else {
$Result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE uname = '$l'") or die (mysql_error());
if (mysql_num_rows($Result) > 0){
echo '<span style="color:#F00">Sorry this User-Name is already taken, please choose another User-Name</span>';
} else {
echo '<span style="color:#090">'.$l.' is ok, Please go ahead and fill the form.</span>';
NOTES: - I'm aware of my deprecated mysql, i'll sort it out soon.
Q1 - eh? Dunno why you would want to do this but here you go anyway :-D
"SELECT * FROM users WHERE BINARY `uname` = '$l'"
That makes your search case sensitive
Q2 - simplest way is to just regex is
$newString = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9]+/", "", $oldStringWithLoadsOfNaughtyStuff);
if($newString !== $oldStringWithLoadsOfNaughtyStuff){
//naughty characters must be there as strings do not match.
echo "naughty Naughty - you have enter illegal characters - only letters and numbers please";
//all good here