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Internal Server Error 500 w/ IIS Log

I am getting some errors on my classic asp website. When the website runs for the first time it sometimes does an Internal Server Error. Then a refresh would fix it. I decided to check my IIS logs to see what the problem is but i can't interpret it. Here is the log line

  2013-12-09 15:29:00 xx.xx.xx.xx GET / |37|80070005|Access_is_denied.__ 80 - Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+6.1;+WOW64)+AppleWebKit/537.36+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/31.0.1650.63+Safari/537.36 500 0 0 702


  • How about setup custom pages for handle 500 and 500 100 errors?

    1. Create some folder, let's say D:\InetPub\Web01\Err\ Add IUSR_Web01 user with write permission

    2. In IIS for Web01 web site (sample for IIS 6.0) enter image description here

    3. Put following code in file 500.asp and 500100.asp

      Option Explicit
      Response.Buffer = True
      Response.Expires = -1
      Response.ExpiresAbsolute = #Jan 31,2000 12:30:00#
      Dim FS, TF, N, ASPErr
      N = Now
      Set ASPErr = Server.GetLastError() 
      Set FS = CreateObject ("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
      Set TF = FS.CreateTextFile ("D:\InetPub\\Err\500 " & "Error" & Right ("0" & Year (N), 4) & Right ("0" & Month (N), 2) & Right ("0" & Day (N), 2) & "_" & Right ("0" & Hour (N), 2) & Right ("0" & Minute (N), 2) & Right ("0" & Second (N), 2) & ".txt", True, False)
      TF.Write MyErrorInfo (ASPErr, False, False, "", "")
      Set FS = Nothing
      Response.Write MyErrorInfo (ASPErr, True, True, "", "[email protected]")

    The function:

    Function MyErrorInfo (ASPErr, AsHTML, ShowContactInfo, WebTitle, AdminEmail)
        Dim Result
        Result = ""
        If AsHTML = True Then
            Result = Result & "<html><head><title>Error occur</title></head><body><font face=Verdana size=2>"
            If (ShowContactInfo = True) Then
                Result = Result & "<p align=center>"
                Result = Result & "<font size=4>"
                Result = Result & "<font color=""#008000"">" & WebTitle & "</font><br>"
                Result = Result & "<font color=""#800000"">500 Error occur</font><br>"
                Result = Result & "Please contact us by email at <a href=""mailto:" & AdminEmail & """>" & AdminEmail & "</a> and inform about this error<br><br>"
                Result = Result & "Thank you for your support!"
                Result = Result & "</font>"
                Result = Result & "</p>"
            End If
            Result = Result & "<hr>"
            Result = Result & "Error number: <b>" & ASPErr.Number & "</b><br>"
            Result = Result & "Error source: <b>" & ASPErr.Source  & "</b><br>"
            Result = Result & "Error description: <b>" & ASPErr.Description & "</b><br>"
            Result = Result & "Error line: <b>" & ASPErr.Line & "</b><br>"
            Result = Result & "Client IP: <b>" & Request.ServerVariables ("REMOTE_ADDR") & "</b><br>"
            Result = Result & "Client Browser: <b>" & Request.ServerVariables ("HTTP_USER_AGENT") & "</b><br>"
            Result = Result & "Client Referer: <b>" & Request.ServerVariables ("HTTP_REFERER") & "</b><br>"
            Result = Result & "Path: <b>" & Request.ServerVariables ("PATH_INFO") & "</b><br>"
            Result = Result & "Request method: <b>" & Request.ServerVariables ("REQUEST_METHOD") & "</b><br>"
            Result = Result & "Request FORM: <b>" & Request.Form & "</b><br>"
            Result = Result & "Request QUERY: <b>" & Request.QueryString & "</b><br>"
            Result = Result & "<hr>"
            Result = Result & "</font></body></html>"
            Result = Result & WebTitle & vbCrLf
            Result = Result & "Error number: " & ASPErr.Number & vbCrLf
            Result = Result & "Error source: " & ASPErr.Source  & vbCrLf
            Result = Result & "Error description: " & ASPErr.Description & vbCrLf
            Result = Result & "Error line: " & ASPErr.Line & vbCrLf
            Result = Result & "Client IP: " & Request.ServerVariables ("REMOTE_ADDR") & vbCrLf
            Result = Result & "Client Browser: " & Request.ServerVariables ("HTTP_USER_AGENT") & vbCrLf
            Result = Result & "Client Referer: " & Request.ServerVariables ("HTTP_REFERER") & vbCrLf
            Result = Result & "Path: " & Request.ServerVariables ("PATH_INFO") & vbCrLf
            Result = Result & "Request method: " & Request.ServerVariables ("REQUEST_METHOD") & vbCrLf
            Result = Result & "Request FORM: " & Request.Form & vbCrLf
            Result = Result & "Request QUERY: " & Request.QueryString & vbCrLf
        End If
        MyErrorInfo = Result
    End Function