I am trying to display image from facebook profile.
path: graph.facebook.com/{fbId}/{var}
_scheme: https
What I get is htpps://mydomain.local/graph.facebook.com/facebookId/picture .
I was trying with assets but it works only if it's hardcoded.
{% image 'https://graph.facebook.com/'~app.user.facebookId~'/picture'%}
<img src="{{ asset_url }}" alt="Example" />
{% endimage %}
This code doesn't work it says that: Unexpected token "operator" of value "~". I couldn't find answer probably it's vaery simply.Thanks for Your help
As said in the comments, the router only applies to the URLs of your website.
Anyway, you can simply display the image with the facebookId
<img src="https://graph.facebook.com/{{ app.user.facebookId }}/picture" alt="Example" />