VisualSVN website provided a method to install trac 0.12 on top of VisualSVN 2.6.4 (apache web server) with Subversion authentication. this is described at: This works well but recently I had to update to VisualSVN 2.7.3 that includes and update to SVN 1.8.5 and had to also update to Trac 1.0.1. i was able to replace the trac files in the folder and the pages for trac are serving but i get the following error on the wiki:
"Warning: Can't synchronize with repository "(default)" (Unsupported version control system "svn": DLL load failed: The specified procedure could not be found.). Look in the Trac log for more information."
The Trac Log file contains the following error:
2013-12-23 00:24:13,892 Trac[svn_fs] INFO: Failed to load Subversion bindings Traceback (most recent call last): File "build\bdist.win32\egg\tracopt\versioncontrol\svn\", line 273, in __init__ _import_svn() File "build\bdist.win32\egg\tracopt\versioncontrol\svn\", line 72, in _import_svn from svn import fs, repos, core, delta File "C:\VisualSVN Server\trac\python\lib\site-packages\svn\", line 26, in from libsvn.fs import * File "C:\VisualSVN Server\trac\python\lib\site-packages\libsvn\", line 86, in import core File "C:\VisualSVN Server\trac\python\lib\site-packages\libsvn\", line 25, in _core = swig_import_helper() File "C:\VisualSVN Server\trac\python\lib\site-packages\libsvn\", line 21, in swig_import_helper _mod = imp.load_module('_core', fp, pathname, description) ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified procedure could not be found.
I doubt i am the first to have this issue but I could not find any fixes for this issue. I also emailed VisualSVN about the unsupported plug-in but received no help (understandably so). If anyone has dealt with this issue, knows of a walk-thru for these versons please post.
As a last hope, any one knowing of an alternative way to setup Trac to work with VisulSVN (apache web server) for the mentioned versions, your help is appreciated as well.
Coincidentally I was having the same issue on the same day you posted your question. After some searching I found that there is a ticket on the Trac website where others are having a similar issue:
The fix outlined there was virtually the same for me. I've described my setup + version of the fix below:
Running Apache 2.4, with Python 2.7 and Trac 1.0.1 (all 32 bit) on a Win 7 64-bit VM.
For the subversion installation, I used the 1.8.5 Windows installer from and also the Python 2.7 bindings (win32) for Apache 2.4.
Installed everything as per install guides. Once everything was installed, I copied the libapr-1.dll
file from the Subversion bin directory to the Apache bin directory, replacing the existing version of the file there. Fired up Apache web server to test and all was fine and dandy. Hope this fixes your issue too...