For example, I want to find all nodes with a certain tag, grab their IP address, then generate a config file to distribute to those nodes.
A use case might be a database that needs to know about every other node, but can have nodes added and removed at any time.
You can use Salt Mine to do it. First, distribute this configuration to all the Minions:
- roles
- fqdn_ip4
With that configuration, every Minion will publish those two grains to all other minions. More details about Mine here.
Now, we can create a file with all the names with role=db.
- managed
- source: salt://example/myhosts
- template: mako
The template example/myhosts:
% for minion, peer_grains in salt['mine.get']('*', 'grains.items').items():
% if "db" in peer_grains["role"]:
minion peer_grains["fqdn_ip4"]
% endif
% endfor