In sqlite3, I've used the following syntax to insert rows into a table:
INSERT INTO schedule VALUES(some_date, (SELECT id_from_another_table WHERE where_clause));
What seems like the obvious assumption is that this embedded (SELECT ...) query will return a NULL when its result set is empty.
However, that does not seem to be the case...
sqlite> .schema schedule
CREATE TABLE schedule(date date, agent_id integer);
sqlite> select * from schedule;
Notice how the second row is missing an entry for agent_id?
sqlite> select * from schedule where agent_id = null;
sqlite> select * from schedule where agent_id = 0;
sqlite> select * from schedule where agent_id = "";
sqlite> select * from schedule where agent_id LIKE "% %";
If that agent_id doesn't match null, "", 0, or anything with a space in it, what the heck is it?
Thanks in advance! :-)
In all other DBs I've worked with the syntax would be column IS NULL
. From what I can see it is the same in sqlite.
select * from schedule where agent_id IS NULL;