Thanks for looking.
I have a small program that generates a new .NET solution based on some project information and a database connection.
As part of this process, I automatically generate the ADO.NET entity data model/.edmx
file using edmgen2.
This code works fine and generates the .edmx, etc which is added to the project's folder in Windows.
When I open the generated solution and subsequently the DAL project which contains the .edmx
, I must then show excluded files, right-click, and then include
the .edmx manually.
This isn't a huge deal, but it would be nicer if I could call come code after the .edmx
is generated that would automatically include it in the VS Project.
Is this possible?
The answers below got me going but I did find that I couldn't operate on the .csproj xml in the usual ways that I alter other xml files. You have to use the msbuild
namespace. Here is what worked for me:
var csproj = XDocument.Load(SolutionFolder + @"\SomeProject.csproj");
XNamespace msbuild = "";
var itemGroups = csproj.Descendants(msbuild + "ItemGroup");
var itemGroup = itemGroups.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Descendants(msbuild + "Compile").Any());
var item = new XElement(msbuild + "Compile");
item.SetAttributeValue("Include", "ApplicationEntityModel.edmx");
csproj.Save(SolutionFolder + @"\SomeProject.csproj");
Not tested:
You can edit your *.csproj file and add your new file to <ItemGroup>
section. It is an xml file that can be edited programitically.
<Compile Include="fileName" />