I'm creating objects dynamically from Map data, populating fields for matching key names. The problem comes when fields are defined on the parent, where attempting to set a value on a parent field produces the error:
No static setter 'name' declared in class 'Skill'.
NoSuchMethodError : method not found: 'name'
class Resource {
String name;
String description;
Resource.map(Map data)
ClassMirror c = reflectClass(runtimeType);
ClassMirror thisType = c;
while(c != null)
for (var k in c.declarations.keys) {
print('${MirrorSystem.getName(k)} : ${data[MirrorSystem.getName(k)]}');
if(data[MirrorSystem.getName(k)] != null)
thisType.setField(k, data[MirrorSystem.getName(k)]);
c = c.superclass;
class Skill extends Resource
Skill.map(data) : super.map(data);
You should use a ObjectMirror
to set a field on your object. Your code tries to set a field on ClassMirror
which tries to define a static variable.
class Resource {
String name;
String description;
Resource.map(Map data)
ObjectMirror o = reflect(this); // added
ClassMirror c = reflectClass(runtimeType);
ClassMirror thisType = c;
while(c != null)
for (var k in c.declarations.keys) {
print('${MirrorSystem.getName(k)} : ${data[MirrorSystem.getName(k)]}');
if(data[MirrorSystem.getName(k)] != null)
// replace "thisType" with "o"
o.setField(k, data[MirrorSystem.getName(k)]);
c = c.superclass;
class Skill extends Resource
Skill.map(data) : super.map(data);