I have 3 domain classes:
class Material {
String sku
String description
String uom
String category
String type
double standardPrice
static hasMany = [prices: Price]
static constraints = {
sku(blank:false, nullable:false)
description(blank:false, nullable:false)
class Price {
double price
static belongsTo = [material: Material, priceList: PriceList]
static constraints = {
class PriceList {
String priceListName
Date validFrom
Date validTo
Boolean isValid
//static belongsTo = [supplier: Supplier]
static hasMany =[prices: Price]
static constraints = {
my PriceList update gsp is following:
<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" %>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"/>
<meta name="layout" content="main"/>
<title>Update price list</title>
<g:form name="priceListlUpdateForm" id="${priceListInstance.id}">
<div class="buttons" role="navigation">
<g:actionSubmit action="save" class="edit" value="Update" />
<g:actionSubmit action="index" class = "cancel" value = "Cancel" />
<g:actionSubmit action="delete" class ="delete" value="Delete" />
<div class="body">
<h1>Update price list</h1>
<td>Price list name</td>
<g:textField name ="priceListName" value="${priceListInstance.priceListName}" />
<td>Valid From</td>
<g:datePicker name="validFrom" precision = 'day' value = "${priceListInstance.validFrom}" />
<td>Valid To</td>
<g:datePicker name="validTo" precision ='day' value = "${priceListInstance.validTo}" />
<div class="constent scaffold-list" role=main>
<h1>Materials for price list</h1>
<g:sortableColumn property="sku" title="SKU" />
<g:sortableColumn property="description" title="Description" />
<g:each in="${pricesInPriceList}" status="i" var="pricesRow">
update in PriceList Controller is following:
def update(long id) {
PriceList row=PriceList.get(id)
def pricesInPriceList = row.prices
[priceListInstance: row, pricesInPriceList: pricesInPriceList]
//render "this is update controller"
Everything is working fine except sorting. When I click sortablecolumn on sku or description sorting is not working (rows are sorted randomly). I stuck with this sorting. Thank you for help. Regards,
Maybe it will be useful for somebody. I have changed my update method in PriceList controller as follows:
def update(long id) {
PriceList row=PriceList.get(id)
//default sorting
def pricesInPriceList = row.prices.sort{it.material.sku}
if (params.sort && params.order == "asc") {
if (params.sort && params.order == "desc"){
[priceListInstance: row, pricesInPriceList: pricesInPriceList]
now sorting with child works perfect.