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SendMessage not getting text

Not sure why SendMessage isn't getting the text from the class I need. I have done this before but it was is VisualBasic and I wanted to port it over to c++. I have not tried this code on any other program. I was reading something about it possibly being unicode but I wasn't sure on how to implement that.

#include <windows.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

void FindmIRC()
    cout << "[mIRC]" << endl;

cout << "- find mIRC window" << endl;
HWND hwndmIRC = FindWindow(L"mIRC", NULL);

if (NULL != hwndmIRC)
    cout << "   + found mIRC window" << endl;
    cout << "- find MDIClient window" << endl;
    HWND hwndMDIClient = FindWindowEx(hwndmIRC, NULL, L"MDIClient", NULL);

    if (NULL != hwndMDIClient)
        cout << "   + found MDIClient window" << endl;
        cout << "- find mIRC_Channel window" << endl;
        HWND hwndmIRC_Channel = FindWindowEx(hwndMDIClient, NULL, L"mIRC_Channel", NULL);

        if (NULL != hwndmIRC_Channel)
            cout << "   + found mIRC_Channel window" << endl;
            cout << "- find Static window" << endl;
            HWND hwndStatic = FindWindowEx(hwndmIRC_Channel, NULL, L"Static", NULL);

            if (NULL != hwndStatic)
                cout << "   + found Static window" << endl;

                cout << "- get text length" << endl;
                int textLen = (int)SendMessage(hwndStatic, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0, 0);
                if (0 < textLen)
                    cout << "- getting text" << endl;
                    const int bufferSize = 1024;
                    char textBuffer[bufferSize] = "";
                    SendMessage(hwndStatic, WM_GETTEXT, (WPARAM)bufferSize, (LPARAM)textBuffer);

                    cout << "[begin text]" << endl;
                    cout << textBuffer << endl;
                    cout << "[end text]" << endl;
                    cerr << "No text." << endl;

                cerr << "Static not found." << endl;

            cerr << "mIRC_Channel not found." << endl;
        cerr << "MDIClient not found." << endl;

    cerr << "mIRC not open." << endl;
int main()


return 0;

The highlighted class is what has the text: mIRC

The program find the class with no problem and does not report not finding it so I don't see a reason why it should not find it. Any help is great!


  • As you can see on your spy++ output, highlighted control does not contain any text. It should appear on the left of Static in "".