I have a table with a hstore
column and roughly 22 mio records (the ways table from a partial osm-database).
Despite having a GIN index on the hstore column, queries for a specific tag result in a sequential table scan that takes > 60 sec to return a single column.
What i have been doing so far.
vacuum analayze
select id from table where tags->'name'='foo'
on the table. But that had no effect.You can see the query plan here. For some reason the explain analyze
takes only ~20 sec to complete.
How can I properly index a hstore column on a large table like this, to reduce query execution cost significantly?
Thank you for your help!
I see two possible solutions:
If you always query that key value for equality you can use an a B-Tree index on the expression (`tags -> 'name')
create index idx_name on ways ( (tags -> 'name') );
A quick test has shown that Postgres does use the index to find if a key value is present in the hstore column, but apparently not for finding the associated value.
So you could try to add a condition to test for that key value as well:
select id
from ways
where tags ? 'name'
and tags -> 'name' = 'Wiehbergpark';
If all rows contain that key, it might not help though.